Wellbeing Wednesday Review of the Day
The Heads of House at Ellowes Hall put an exceptional day of activities together with an expansive range of tasks to engage all our students. The day was created to allow students and staff time to cut down and screen time and focus on Wellbeing, the two main aims being to provide CHALLENGE AND FUN! Subject staff provided ideas for activities and a range of staff created challenges that required more time and effort. These were then put into the following categories:
· Physical Challenges
· Social Challenges
· Cultural Challenges
· Creative Challenges
The response was overwhelming, and the Heads of House team have been impressed by how involved the students responded to this with an astounding 1000+ entries!! House points have been awarded for entries to the House competitions and pupils who completed all 4 House competitions will be entered into a raffle for Amazon vouchers and will receive 30 House Points. Activities also took place in school ranging from Samba drumming, Hip Hop Dance, Pancake challenge, Forest Schools, Art and Design, and PE. Ellowes Hall really did rise to the challenge! We have also attached a quote from a parent which summed up the day:
“I haven’t seen my son as animated in weeks, as he was yesterday. He obviously really needed that break and the encouragement to do different things. So, thank you again.”