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Recent News

School Life


Careers & Raising Aspirations

We welcome any employer that wishes to work alongside us and have many opportunities that you may be interested in that include:


  • The Careers Convention – further education, apprenticeship and job providers are welcome to participate in this annual event

  • Work experience – we will always welcome work experience placement opportunities from employers so if you think that you can help, please contact the Work Experience Coordinator

  • Assemblies or lesson talks – if you feel that you can help with our assemblies or would like to give a talk to students in lessons, please contact us and will we work in conjunction to do our best to make this a reality

  • Mentoring – should you feel that you can offer regular support to some of our students, please contact us as this is a very rewarding experience for both the mentor and mentee

  • Any other support that you feel you could offer would be both welcomed and appreciated

Any provider wishing to contact the school should see the Provider Access Statement below and should contact the Careers Coordinator.

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